Who am I ?

... no description fits me exactly. But i can say, i m always trying to find out what is the proper way to express myself and my thoughts. Like after the main course, u need a dessert... this is my mind dessert. Time passes on and so do my thoughts...i try to catch some of them and stick them here with letters, words, sentences and all other possible ways i know.

অনেকদিন থেকেই ভাবছিলাম একটু একটু করে লেখালেখি করি নিজের মত করে।কোন কারণে নয়, শখের বশে অহেতুক কিছু কথা লিখে জীবনের একটা দলিল করে রাখার মত আরকি...কিন্তু কিছুতেই আর হয়ে ওঠে না।সেটাই স্বাভাবিক কারন আমার মত অলস মানুষ কম ই আছে দুনিয়ায় ! অবশেষে একদিন শুরু করে দিলাম । মনের অনেক কথা , সামাজিক চিন্তা, নিজের মতামত কিংবা নিতান্তই আবোলতাবোল কিছু হয়ত লিখব। তাই সবার কাছে ক্ষমা চেয়ে নিচ্ছি যেন কেউ আমার কথা তে আঘাত পেয়ে মাইন্ড না খায়...আমি কোন ব্যক্তি, প্রতিষ্ঠান,দল, গোষ্ঠি, সমিতি, জাতি, গোত্র, ধর্ম বা শ্রেনীকে কেন্দ্র করে, উপেক্ষা করে, কটাক্ষ করে, আঘাত করে, উদ্দেশ্য করে, ইঙ্গিত করে বা উস্কানী দিয়ে কিছু লিখবো না। তারপর ও যদি কেউ যদি আমার কোন পোস্ট দ্বারা মানসিক, সামাজিক, চারিত্রিক, বাহ্যিক, আন্তরিক (!), আর্থিক বা শারিরিক (!?) ক্ষতির সম্মুখীন হয়ে থাকে (যা জীবনেও সম্ভব না, হলেও মানবো না !) তাহলে তা তার ব্যক্তিগত ব্যাপার বলে বিবেচিত হবে কারণ এই ব্লগ শুধুমাত্র ভারসাম্যহীনদের ভারসাম্যের প্রচেষ্টামাত্র...

আপনাদের মন্তব্য, উপদেশ, আদেশ, নিষেধ, অনুরোধ, গালি, ঝাড়ি, ফাপড়, দাবড়ানি, স্নেহ ও ভালোবাসা দিয়ে বাধিত করবেন...

সায়ন আনজীর

বুধবার, ১৪ ডিসেম্বর, ২০১১

Pregnancy for Men Part-II

After a pretty long distant gap I started to write again about the same topic I started around a few months back. So now you can already calculate yourself how life’s gonna be after you really become a parent. Not bad, eh? Again this post is all about a boy becoming a man through the transformations of his 2nd generation - so sit back tight and bite your lips before entering so that you can’t blame me for making you a “late” parent by any chance at all.

The last few weeks of wife’s pregnancy become the most hectic part of any guy’s life. Each and every moment trying to gather himself to be prepared for anything (I wish our police department was as active like this !!!). So a wise advice from Scion, wear shoes to bed and carry a pillow even in your laptop bag…Do the math yourself… A few more false alarms and you seem to say to yourself “Ok, that’s it, I had enough… emm… err…” then you pause and realize you have nothing to do other than wait so you keep on bubbling inside. Point to be noted, the plastic smile I mentioned in the first installment has to be a permanent ornament for your face now (Example, your boss yelling at you and still you show him how bright your teeth are…’coz you are still smiling…) The easiest trick in the book is try keeping your eye-brows raised…now try to do anything, no matter what you try to do-you will look like you are smiling.(try this in front of mirror and you will see. I tried but my mirror broke down-aha! What a killer smile it was!)

Then you start to lose your hair once again… your face looks like a pretty nice Halloween costume mask where you are “Frankenstein” … you start to answer to your name with a vague growl and reply with a vacant look. Your brain operates with a buffer time… Man that’s a lot of mess…imagine your body sending the signal for you to go to the men’s room and yet your brain delayed it due to the buffer time…so you can imagine how it feels now. And yet – “keep on smiling”

Now the must waited expected delivery “date” is here. You go to the hospital and your wife gets a nice bed to prepare herself and you get yourself a nice blurry semi bluish loby (would never believed that these really existed unless I saw myself- the bluish complexion is may be the result of watching horror/thrillers). Now you have almost no more nails to bite of your toes (‘coz you have finished doing your fingers many many days ago) and each time you see a nurse walking by you try to ask her how your wife is doing. The doctor assures you, everything is fine and your wife is just waiting for the pain to emerge…

“How painful could it be not to have pain”- that’s what you will think after you find yourself waiting for more than 24 hours in the same place you were the previous night. The doctor comes and goes- nurses come and go-cleaners come and go ( they had almost mistaken you as waste !) but the “pain” never comes…”how come”? after another few hours the relatives waiting there with you see light- not the light of hope- the light passing through your hair on to your skull as you have lost almost 75% hair by now. You see other people saying to their kids while feeding and pointing at you- “Taratari kheye nao baba- nahole oi je oi voot ta dhorbe”. But you know what to do even at that moment? - “keep on smiling”

Now you hear the doctor deciding to go for a c-section and you at last think yah that’s a good decision. Now all your friends and family know the news and time of surgery and all are coming in. If you are lucky enough, you will have a great friend beside you at your most anxious times [I had Sujan(arif) & Piukh].At this time you slowly feel a chilling feeling crawling down your spine slowly. Out of nothing you gathering some sweat on your forehead…now you are officially feeling the transformation from being a boy towards a man. The first few minutes you are totally cool…you have this ice cool poker face and you try to crack small jokes around. Slowly you see the theory of Einstein true…time becomes “SLOW’ to “Slower”…

Then after awhile, you get the info, the surgery being over…it’s like a rumor in the air. All of the people gathering in front of the OT door like paparazzies with camera and handies ready. All eager eyes looking towards the door …all sounds and chit-chat dissolve and slowly… A pin drop silence…  

Flash !!!

The swing door opens wide and you just have a glimpse of your wife (you wonder what she went through and still she is looking more pretty and joyful ever?!) and the whole crowd surrounds the bed she is in…you barely see the centre…then someone suggested-“let the father come through…”.The word “father” pumped the dried veins in you with full pressured fresh blood, your trembling knees hold up the body dropping the shell of a boy and the lungs inhale a fresh bunch of air flooding each and every nook and cranny of your almost collapsed body , and you walk in…

There your angel lies beside your wife. You already know it’s another dimension that you entered- bye bye to flirting at shopping malls and food courts, bye bye to late night parties with guys just being guys, bye bye to sudden hang outs, bye bye to drinking + smoking(if you do), bye bye to sudden trips and outings, bye bye to movie nights where you guys totally ruin a box office hit movie for the wrong reason(example: watching a romantic tragic movie and adding up some precisely used words to turn it to a extreme funny comedy), bye bye to listening heavy metal in heavy volume in the car and head banging, bye bye to shouting out loud in rock concerts …

But guess what-

You are still smiling, not the plastic one and you have tears in your eyes.
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